葡萄绿枝嫁接 ,即在生长季节利用嫩枝作接穗与砧木嫁接。此项技术方法简单、易操作、成活率高、易愈合、繁殖系数高、适宜嫁接的时间长。因此 ,在扩繁、改种时易被采用。1 嫁接时期 5月中旬到 7月初 ,接穗、砧木均达半木质化时即可嫁接。2 接穗采集 接穗要从品种优良且生
Grafting grapes green grapes, that is, the use of young branches in the growing season as a scion and grafting grafts. The technique has the advantages of simple method, easy operation, high survival rate, easy healing, high multiplication coefficient and suitable grafting time. Therefore, in the proliferation, replanting easily adopted. 1 grafting period from mid-May to early July, scion, rootstock are up to half-lignified grafting. 2 scion harvest scion from good varieties and raw