沙坡头治沙工程被联合国誉为“沙坡头治沙 5 0 0佳”它是世界上少有的治沙旅游基地。面对一望无际的腾格里大沙漠 ,沙坡头是怎样得到这份荣誉的呢 ?沙坡头位于宁夏回族自治区中卫县 ,包兰铁路有 16千米经过这里 ,过去时常被风沙埋没 ,造成交通中断 ,从而使国家蒙受了很大的经济
Shapotou sand control project by the United Nations as “Shapotou sand 500” It is the world’s rare sand control tourism base. The face of the endless Tengger Desert, Shapotou how to get this honor? Shapotou is located in Zhongwei County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the Baotou-Lanzhou railway 16 kilometers past here, the past often sand blown buried, resulting in traffic Interrupted, so that the country suffered a great deal of economy