原发性甲状旁腺机能亢进症(简称甲旁亢)临床表现多样,常易被误诊为其它疾病,如关节炎、骨质疏松、肾结石、尿路感染等、以致延误治疗,造成骨骼畸形、肾功能损害。本文对36例经手术证实的甲旁亢资料进行分析,并对诊断问题作了探讨。 资料分析 一、年龄和性别 10~19岁6例,20~29岁10例,30~39岁8例40~49岁11例,50岁以上1例;男19例,女17例。 二、肿瘤部位和病理性质 36例甲旁亢患者中,腺瘤31例(其中1例伴增生)占86%,腺瘤部位在左上者4例、左下者8例、右上者5例、右下者12例、纵隔旁者2例;甲状旁腺增生3例;Ⅰ型多发
Primary hyperparathyroidism (hereinafter referred to as hyperparathyroidism) clinical manifestations, often easily misdiagnosed as other diseases, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, resulting in delayed treatment, resulting in skeletal deformities , Kidney damage. In this paper, 36 cases of parathyroid proved by surgery were analyzed, and the diagnosis problems were discussed. Data analysis First, the age and gender of 10 to 19 years in 6 cases, 20 to 29 years in 10 cases, 30 to 39 years old 8 cases of 40 to 49 years in 11 cases, 50 years of age in 1 case; 19 males and 17 females. Second, the tumor site and pathological nature of 36 cases of hyperparathyroidism, 31 cases of adenomas (including 1 case with hyperplasia) accounted for 86%, adenoma in the upper left in 4 cases, 8 cases in the lower left, right in 5 cases, right The next 12 cases, 2 cases of mediastinal paravertebral; parathyroid hyperplasia in 3 cases; type Ⅰ multiple