目的了解珠海市2011-2013年围产儿先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)发生率的变化趋势及其相关因素,为制定CHD的干预措施提供科学的依据。方法对珠海市2011-2013年所有监测机构的围产儿CHD资料进行回顾性分析。结果珠海市2011-2013年围产儿CHD发生率为48.93/万,有逐年上升趋势(P<0.0001);男性围产儿的CHD发生率为52.94/万,女性围产儿的CHD发生率为44.40/万,性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);城镇人口的CHD发生率明显高于农村(P<0.01);随着产妇年龄的增加,围产儿发生CHD的危险性增大,>35岁产妇年龄组的CHD发生率最高,为81.72/万(P<0.0001);CHD活产儿占88.86%,临床诊断和超声诊断所占比例分别为26.29%、73.71%,产前诊断所占比例较小,为13.21%。结论珠海市围产儿CHD在出生缺陷类型构成比中居首位,提高产前诊断水平,充分利用超声诊断,采取综合干预措施,达到降低围产儿CHD发生率的目的。
Objective To understand the trend of the incidence of congenital heart disease (CHD) and its related factors in Zhuhai from 2011 to 2013 and provide a scientific basis for the development of intervention measures for CHD. Methods Retrospective analysis of perinatal CHD data of all monitoring institutions in Zhuhai from 2011 to 2013 was conducted. Results The incidence of CHD in Zhuhai was 48.93 / million between 2011 and 2013, which showed an increasing trend year by year (P <0.0001). The CHD incidence rate in perinatal children was 52.94 / million and that in female perinatal children was 44.40 / (P> 0.05). The prevalence of CHD in urban population was significantly higher than that in rural areas (P <0.01). With the increase of maternal age, the risk of CHD in perinatal children increased. The highest incidence of CHD in the age group was 81.72 / 10000 (P <0.0001). The proportion of CHD live births accounted for 88.86%, clinical diagnosis and ultrasound diagnosis were 26.29% and 73.71% respectively, the proportion of prenatal diagnosis was small, 13.21%. Conclusions Zhuhai perinatal CHD ranks first in the proportion of birth defect types, increasing the prenatal diagnosis, making full use of ultrasound diagnosis and taking comprehensive interventions to reduce the incidence of CHD in perinatal infants.