当《国家公务员暂行条例》颁布实施两周年之际,国家人事部又于1995年7月20日颁布了《国家公务员辞职辞退暂行规定》,这标志着我国国家公务员辞职辞退制度将步入法制化、规范化轨道,也标志着我国国家公务员制度到了全面实施的关键阶段。 回首酝酿、制定和实施国家公务员制度的漫长岁月,我们是否应当实事求是地发出这样的感叹:公
When the twelfth anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants was promulgated, the Ministry of Personnel Ministry promulgated the Provisional Provisions on the Dismissal of State Civil Servants on July 20, 1995, marking the gradual legalization of the system of dismissal of civil servants in our country , Normative track, but also marks the crucial stage of the full implementation of our national civil service. Looking back at the long years of brewing, formulating and implementing the national civil service, should we give such a sigh of truth