白土沟,一个在地图上找不到名字,是个只有百十户人家的偏僻山村。每当夜幕降临,劳作疲惫一天的人们,三三两两涌向村头一户人家。明亮的灯光下,读书的、看报的、下棋的、讨论的,人头攒动,好不热闹。其间,一个身穿专武干部服装的人里外忙碌着。他,就是本文的主人公——南票区黄土坎乡武装助理、区优秀共产党员、市学雷锋标兵——张荣玺。 家庭“文化餐馆” 把时间的指针拨回到1984年冬季的一天,小学生孙钱良的父亲暴病死亡,没过几天他电病倒在床。人们开始议论纷纷,
Clay trench, a name can not be found on the map, is a remote village of only a hundred households. Whenever the night falls, the tired work day of people, twos and threes to the village head of a family. Bright lights, reading, reading newspapers, playing chess, discussion, full of people, so busy. In the meantime, a person dressed in martial arts cadres busy outside and inside. He is the protagonist of this article - armed assistant of loessan hutong in Nanpiao District, an outstanding party member in the district, and a roster of Lei Feng in the municipality - Zhang Rongxi. In the winter of 1984, when the family “cultural restaurant” set the target of time back to the winter of 1984, Sun Qianliang’s father, a primary school student, died suddenly of illness and a few days later he fell ill in bed. People began to talk about each other,