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在水利项目施工中,物资材料消耗所占用的资金,往往要占项目投资的一半以上。因此,对物资材料的采购过程进行有效控制,对于降低工程成本,节约开支,提高经济效益具有重要的意义。本人多年从事水利施工项目的物资管理与供应工作,归纳总结出25种物资材料的采购方法,现介绍如下: In the construction of water conservancy projects, the material and materials consumed by the funds, often account for more than half of the project investment. Therefore, the effective control of the procurement process of materials and materials is of great significance for reducing construction costs, saving costs and improving economic efficiency. I have many years engaged in water conservancy construction materials management and supply work, summed up the procurement of 25 kinds of materials and materials, are presented below:
According to a 1995 contract betweenIran and Russia, the Bushehr nuclear plantshould have been completed in July 1999. Itultimately took 15 years for the two countriesto finish the construction of the
【摘要】交通建设的重要意义,早已被人们共识,但交通统计工作却时常被忽略。十六届三中全会提出了“完善统计体制健全经济运行监测体系 ,加强宏观经济调控的功能互补和信息共享 ,提高宏观调控水平”的要求 ,这一要求体现了新时期统计分析工作在改革、发展 、稳定中,在宏观调控中的位和作用越来越重要 ,统计工作的责任也将越来越重。交通部门所属企业原有的统计工作模式已不适应新体制的要求。面对新的形势、任务和要求,
The fact that they have been m-designat-ed as "advise and assist" brigades, rather thantraditional combat units, matters little; theystill carry enormous firepower. That firepow-er is, in part, what m
Chinese officials underlined the need for the EU to gain a more balanced view of China-by looking not only at its progress but also at its challenges-at the re
Shenzhen, a southern coastal city in Guangdong Province, neigh-boring Hong Kong, has marked its 30th anniversary as China's first economic development zone.Chi
On August 24, a fleet of three guided missile destroyers and several missile-carrying speedboats darted into the South China Sea. They were on the way to a mil
【摘要】依托国发2号文件的出台及中国金融改革的发展,贵州的经济发展也与金融支持密不可分。本文结合金融发展与制度变迁的相关理论,在选取较为详细的金融发展指标对贵州的金融发展水平进行分析并与全国和发达地区相比较的基础上,尝试探讨对于贵州金融发展有效的制度变迁路径和措施。  【关键词】贵州 金融发展 制度变迁  长期以来,地处内陆的贵州经济发展较为落后,人民生活水平低下,工业、农业都发展缓慢,金融业的发