把七十余年对警案和军队的研究成果应用于实战格斗时,会得到什么?如果加上从现在的犯罪记录中得出的结论呢?要是再加上和世界上封闭军营中最后训练的交流成果呢?三者之和就是 CORE 防御术。CORE 防御术很简单,它是从现代防御术课程中提炼出来的精华部分,简单易学。它提供了一种方法,这种方法既简单又全面,它基于打斗(特别是不带武器的打斗)的基本功。它重点研究那些最重要的训练内容,特别适宜于有时间限制的训练。不过,它并不是什么大力神丸或者什么速成功夫。国际防
What will be gained when applying the research findings of police officers and the military for more than 70 years to fighting in actual combat? If we add the conclusion drawn from the current criminal record, if we conclude with the last training in closed military camps in the world Exchange results? The sum of the three is CORE defense surgery. CORE defensive surgery is simple, it is extracted from the course of modern defensive surgery essence, easy to learn. It provides a method that is both simple and comprehensive, based on the basic skills of fighting, especially fighting without weapons. It focuses on the most important training content, especially suitable for time-limited training. However, it is not what Hercules or what speed success. International defense