The influence of temperature on the intensity of light emitted by as well as the carrier life time of a standard AlGaAs based light emitting diode has been inve
庭院清幽,繁花百草,嫣红翠绿,色浓似染;月光清冷,照得满地婆娑。欧式时尚品牌PAGE ONE 2013春夏时尚发布会于8月26日在福州盛大举行,本次发布会以“花样年华”为主题,灵感来自法国凡尔赛宫的皇家花园,无论是T台秀场还是服装设计,均展现PAGE ONE品牌的优雅、浪漫的高贵气质,犹如电影长诗,生动地上演时装版的“花样年华”,在时尚华丽中穿梭着深长而悠扬的故事。 本次发布会灵感源自于法国凡尔
The optical properties of polypyrrole(Ppy) thin films upon 2 MeV electron beam irradiation changes with different doses. The induced changes in the optical prop