湖北省襄樊市的汉江二桥自 1992年6月竣工通车后,就在当地政府的筹划下,以收费还贷款的名义与早在上世纪60年代初便建成使用的汉江一桥一起“捆绑”起来收过桥费。 13年间通过“捆绑收费”政策,共收取10亿元的过桥费。然而,到2005年12月襄樊市政府取消两桥收费的错误政策为止,当初修建汉江二桥的6000万元贷款却谁也不肯认账,仍然没有还上。 6000万元建桥贷款到底该由谁来买单呢?
After the Han River Bridge in Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, opened to traffic in June 1992, it was “bundled” with the Han River Bridge, which was built as early as the early 1960s in the name of toll collection and loan repayment under the planning of the local government. Toll collection fees up. 13 years through the “bundled fee” policy, a total of 1 billion yuan toll collection bridge. However, as of December 2005, the Xiangfan Municipal Government canceled the wrong policy of charging for the two bridges, the original construction of the Hanjiang Second Bridge 60 million yuan loan who refused to admit it, still did not return. 60 million yuan bridge loan in the end who should pay it?