以“中国制造”为招牌的“上海滩百货公司”座落在“地王之王”的香港中环区,经营颇有特色。 为了打破百货公司在一般人心目中的古旧形象,“上海滩”不惜工本,单在装修上已花了超过1000万港元。全店共分上下两层,上层采取柔和乳黄灯光,暗褐色桃木装饰加上古董衣服、用具陈设,摆的仿古吊扇,有种午后懒洋洋的妩媚,楼下店铺却强调色彩明
“Made in China” as a sign of the “Shanghai department store” is located in the “King of the kings,” the Central District of Hong Kong, operating quite distinctive. In order to break the old image of department stores in the eyes of the general public, “Shanghai Beach” spared no expense and had spent over HK $ 10 million on decoration alone. The whole shop is divided into two layers, the upper to soft yellow light, brown dark brown wood with antique clothes, furnishings, antique ceiling fan, a kind of afternoon lazy charming, downstairs shop but emphasizes the color Ming