3月18日第一款国产车型科雷嘉高调上市,4月7日,东风雷诺正式任命福兰(Fran?ois Provost)为东风雷诺公司总裁。同时,福兰还被雷诺集团任命为中国业务区高级副总裁,东风雷诺原总裁达业(Jacques Daniel),在职务上另有安排。达业是东风雷诺的发起人和重要奠基人之一,作为合资公司外方代表,从初期谈判和筹备工作,从公司成立至工厂竣工投产,达业全程参与其中,可以说
On March 18, the first domestic model of high-profile Correa listed, April 7, Dongfeng Renault formally appointed Fran? Ois Provost as president of Dongfeng Renault. At the same time, Fulan also Renault Group was appointed as senior vice president of China operations area, the former president of Renault’s predecessor industry (Jacques Daniel), in the job in other arrangements. Tatsu is one of the founders and important founders of Dongfeng Renault. As the representative of the foreign party of the joint venture company, from the initial negotiation and preparatory work, from the establishment of the company to completion of the factory,