精子在睾丸中发生,但必须在附睾内经过一段时间才能成熟,获得运动与受精能力。这一事实虽早已发现,但其机制至今不明,因为我们对附睾功能所知甚微。上海第二医科大学男子计划生育研究一室吴明章与王一飞等对这一问题进行了研究,建立了一些观察指标。他们的工作包括以下几个方面:1.用 WGA、SBA、PNA、COA 四种凝集素来观察精子膜上它们的受体在精子成熟中的改变,结果发现在精子成熟过程中,这些受体减少。2.测定附睾内的肉碱,结果发现精子在成熟过程中,肉碱含量逐渐增加。3.测定了正常人附睾液内微量元素:Na、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cr、Mn、Zn、Ca、Fe,结果发现它们在附睾的
Sperm in the testes, but must be in the epididymis in a period of time to mature, access to exercise and fertilization. Although this fact has long been discovered, its mechanism remains unknown until now because we know little about the function of the epididymis. Shanghai Second Medical University, a family planning research room Wu Mingzhang and Wang Yifei and other research on this issue, the establishment of a number of observation indicators. Their work includes the following aspects: 1. Using WGA, SBA, PNA, COA four kinds of lectins to observe the sperm membrane receptors on sperm maturation in the changes and found that during sperm maturation, these receptors decreased . 2. Determination of carnitine in the epididymis, found that during the maturation of sperm, carnitine content increased gradually. 3. Determination of the normal human epididymis fluid trace elements: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Fe, found that they in the epididymis