全国先进军转工作者、总参转业干部办公室驻江苏联络员于德江,凭着一颗挚热的心,甘愿跑断腿,不怕磨破嘴。十五年来,忠实地、创造性地履行了“红娘”之责,已帮助4000多名军转干部与地方用人单位“结缘”,更难能可贵的是,在这中间,大多数是“门当户对”(专业对口,职务相当),少数还“进门就当家”(安排当主官),可谓“各得其所,人尽其才。” 这业绩对一个年轻力壮的专职“红娘”来说,亦是够灿烂辉煌了。可对于原本是三等甲级残废军人的老于来说,要付之多少超常努力呀!况且,他早已年过半百,又患有多种慢性疾病。提起这些,广大军转干部无不为之感慨万千。
The advanced workers in the country who are transferred to the military, and the liaison officers of the staff of the general public in Dangshan, Jiangsu Province, are at Dejiang River. With a sincere heart, they willingly run their legs and are not afraid to break their mouths. Over the past 15 years, faithfully and creatively fulfilling the responsibility of “matchmaker” has helped more than 4,000 military cadres to “get connected” with local employers. What is even more commendable is that among these, most are “well matched” Counterparts, duties quite), a few also “door to door” (arranged as the main officer), described as “the best of both worlds.” This performance for a young full-time “matchmaker” is also brilliant enough. For the elderly who are originally Class III Class A disabled soldiers, how many extra hard work to pay! Besides, he is over half a year old and suffers from various chronic diseases. Mentioning these, the majority of military cadres are filled with emotion.