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作为世界上最著名的即时战略游戏系列《魔营争霸》的正统续篇,又是用来在电子竞技领域取代《星际》王者地位的作品,可以说,《魔兽争霸3》(WarCraft3,以下简称魔兽3)还未推出就已经站在了电脑游戏领域的制高点,果然,2001年发行之后,这款游戏不仅在销售上创造奇迹,在制作公司暴雪(Blizzard)的官方战网(Battle Net,以下简称 BN)上也掀起了对战热潮,成为 ESWC,WCG 等世界著名电子竞技赛事钦点的即时战略比赛项目。暴雪公司也趁此东风,在去年发售了《魔兽3》的资料片《冰封王座》,增加了不少兵种、英雄和技能,取代了老版的《混乱之治》。下面我们就以《冰封王座》1.16中文版为基础,带领大家走进魔兽争霸的广阔世界。 As the world’s most famous real-time strategy game series “Magic Camp hegemony” orthodox sequel, is also used in the field of electronic gaming “Star” status of the king’s work, it can be said that “Warcraft 3” (WarCraft3, hereinafter referred to as World of Warcraft 3) Has not yet launched has stood in the commanding heights of the field of computer games, and sure enough, after the release in 2001, this game not only in the sales of miracles, Blizzard in the production company’s official Battle Network (Battle Net, hereinafter referred to as BN) also set off a war on the war, as ESWC, WCG and other world-renowned e-sports events point of the real-time strategy game. Blizzard also took the opportunity to launch the “Frozen Throne”, an expansion pack of “Warcraft 3” last year, adding a lot of arms, heroes and skills to replace the old version of “the rule of chaos.” Here we will “Frozen Throne” 1.16 Chinese version as the basis, lead you into the vast world of Warcraft.
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