高空呼吸纯氧与缺氧状态下测定血清心肌酶谱变化的研究目前尚未见报道。为此 ,我们观察了海拔 50 0 0m高空缺氧和吸入纯氧两种状态下人体血清心肌酶的变化。1 材料与方法 (1)材料 :采用荷兰产ISP半自动生化分析仪 ,酶试剂盒由上海长征医学科学院有限公司提供。氧气浓度?
Up to now, no studies have been reported on the changes of serum myocardial enzymes after respiration of pure oxygen and hypoxia. To this end, we observed changes in serum levels of human serum enzymes under both altitude hypoxia and inhaled pure oxygen at 500 m altitude. 1 Materials and Methods (1) Materials: The Netherlands produced ISP semi-automatic biochemical analyzer, enzyme kit provided by the Shanghai Changzheng Medical Academy Co., Ltd.. Oxygen concentration?