一、史学必须为现实服务 历史是现实的过去。现实是历史的发展。但历史与现实又分置在不同的时间和空间,二者不能划等号。我们研究任何一个历史问题。既要考虑它的历史价值,也要考虑它的现实意义,并尽可能把二者统一起来。 历史研究为现实服务,为两个文明建设服务,是必然的,不管你愿意不愿意,史学总是要为一定的现实服务的。虽然不能依据现实的政治需要去改造历史。但又要根据现实提出的问题研究历史。这并不
First, history must serve the reality of the history is a realistic past. Reality is the historical development. However, history and reality are separated in different time and space, and the two can not be equated. We study any one of the historical issues. It is necessary to consider its historical value, but also consider its practical significance, and as far as possible the two together. Historical research serving the reality and serving the two civilizations is inevitable. Historically, historians always want to serve a certain reality, whether you are willing or not. Although it can not be based on the actual political needs to reform history. However, we must study history based on the questions raised by reality. This is not