抗战时期 ,蒋介石的民族主义思想主要渊源于中国传统文化及中国近代 ,特别是孙中山的民族主义思想 ,集专制性、保守性、爱国性等多种特点于一身。这些特点决定了它与中国共产党人的民族观能在抗击民族敌人的共同目标下结合起来。然而 ,这两种观点之间却存在着较大的分歧 ,从而又决定了二者的结合只能是短暂的 ,它们的最终分裂却是不可避免的。
During the war of resistance against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalist ideas mainly originated from the traditional Chinese culture and the nationalist ideology of modern China, especially Sun Yat-sen, and contained many characteristics of autocraticity, conservatism and patriotism. These characteristics determine that it can be combined with the common goal of the Chinese Communists in fighting against the national enemy. However, there is a big divergence between these two views, which in turn determines that the combination of the two can only be short-lived, and their eventual division is inevitable.