在大量繁殖金小蜂技术方面,几年来,我们摸索了不少经验,由于改进了技术,降低养蜂成本。1964年繁殖每一千头蜂需费0.16元,比1963年降低用费68%。 1.选育蜂种,防止退化:寄生蜂经长期人工培养后,会导致寄生力和生活力的减弱,尤其是自系繁殖,能使退化加剧。根我们试验繁殖三代即有表现,产卵量由上代128粒下降为98粒;寄生茧数由13个下降为10个,寄生率降低15.4%;小蜂寿命
In the area of large-scale breeding of Golden Bee technology, in the past few years, we have explored a lot of experience, due to improved technology to reduce the cost of beekeeping. In 1964 breeding per thousand bees cost 0.16 yuan, 68% lower than in 1963. 1. Breeding bee species, to prevent degradation: After long-term artificial cultivation of parasitic wasps, parasitic force and viability will be reduced, especially since the self-breeding, can make degeneration worse. According to the results of our experiments, the number of spawning dropped from 128 to 98, the number of parasitic cocoon decreased from 13 to 10 and the parasitism rate decreased by 15.4%