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近年,不少养殖户纷纷倾吐忧愁和烦恼,一再恳求:尽快为玉米流通开绿灯,解禁私人贩运,解决广大养殖户购买玉米难这一困扰养殖业的难题。玉米是畜禽养殖不可缺少的重要饲料,尤其是面广量大的鸡鸭饲养,玉米的用量更占大头。因此,能否解决好玉米的供给问题,将直接关系到养殖业的兴衰成败。养殖业是农村发展、农民致富和财政增收的支柱产业,从中央到地方,各级政府历来都十分重视养殖业的发展,努力采取措施抓紧抓好。但玉米购买难却严重地阻碍了养殖业的发展。自从国家实行新的粮改政策后,玉米和其它粮食一样被禁止在市场流通,不允许私人进行交易贩运,而有权经营它的粮食部门,却又由于种种原因,根本不去做这种买卖,玉 In recent years, many farmers have poured their grief and worries repeatedly and pleaded for the green light to circulate as soon as possible to lift the ban on private trafficked animals and solve the difficult problems that plague aquaculture for the majority of farmers to buy corn. Corn is an important and indispensable feed for livestock and poultry breeding, especially the large-scale breeding of chickens and ducks, with corn accounting for the bulk. Therefore, whether the supply of corn can be solved will directly affect the success or failure of aquaculture. Aquaculture is a pillar industry in rural development, peasants’ rich and fiscal revenue. From the central government to local governments, governments at all levels have always attached great importance to the development of aquaculture and are making efforts to take measures to grasp these problems. However, the difficulty of purchasing corn seriously hindered the development of aquaculture. Since the introduction of the new grain-reform policy by the state, corn, like other grain, has been banned from circulating in the market, allowing private traders to trade and trafficking, and has the right to run its food sector, but for various reasons, it has not done so ,jade
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随着我市人民生活水平的日益提高,各种花草树本逐渐走进于家万户。据了解,当前我市花木市场消费具有以下三大趋势: 1、由低档转向中高档。总的来说,我市花本市场供过于求,但中高档
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