
来源 :政治学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifen11
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2 0世纪 90年代经济发展的实践表明 ,需要重新注视政府体制在社会经济发展中的作用。政府与市场并非相互分离和冲突的两个机制 ,市场功能有效发挥的前提恰恰应是要有一个有能力的政府。政府的制度性能力建构包括依法行政能力、人力投资能力、宏观调控能力和市场规制能力四个方面的建设。政府规制能力的评估标准分为界定度、自主度、参与度、课责度、透明度、可预度、自由度、强硬度八个方面 ,每个方面又分为五个等级 ,每个方面及每个等级有各自的含义。根据上述标准为中国部分基础设施行业的规制能力作了初步评估 ,并提出了改革行政规费制度的若干意见和建议。 The practice of economic development in the 1990s shows that it is necessary to re-examine the role of the government system in social and economic development. The government and the market are not two mechanisms that separate and conflict with each other. The premise for the effective functioning of the market precisely is to have a competent government. The institutional capability construction of the government includes the construction of the four aspects of the ability of administration according to law, the ability of human investment, the capability of macro regulation and control and the ability of market regulation. The evaluation criteria for government regulatory capacity are divided into eight levels: definition, autonomy, participation, accountability, transparency, predictability, freedom, and hardness. Each aspect is divided into five levels, each of which Each level has its own meaning. Based on the above criteria, a preliminary assessment on the regulatory capacity of some infrastructure industries in China was made and some opinions and suggestions on reforming the administrative fee system were put forward.
协和最初是由美国石油大亨洛克菲勒斥巨资建成的。洛克菲勒创办协和之初,就给协和的医学教育定下了一个高标准:“建立一个与欧洲、美洲同样好的医学院。”因学校原址是豫王府,洛克菲勒又是经营石油生意的,于是那时人们很幽默地称协和为“油王府”。  这所学校开风气之先,成为中国第一所招收女生的医学院校,并建立了全国首家护理学院。协和的一位来自加拿大的解剖学教授,根据来自周口店的一块牙齿化石,确定出一个独特的人种
公共政策的质量事关人类的祸福。高质量的公共政策必须注意其所隐含的制度因素。作为社会的行为规则 ,有效的制度可以减少不确定性 ,降低交易成本 ,扩大人类的选择范围 ,创造