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迷蒙的山川,潺潺的流水,参天的大树,翠绿的芳草……这无限生机的田园风景,好似生来就为了吸引画家的目光,乡间无际的麦田,山中笔挺的树木,林间曲折的小路,辛勤耕耘的农民,曾不止一次地出现在许多著名画家的作品当中,就连闻名的博物馆所收藏的风景作品也多以乡村题材为主。与此同时,表现都市风景的作品可以说是寥寥无几,莫奈那喧嚣的林阴大道、庄严的大教堂,毕沙罗画笔下鸟瞰中的桥梁,在这个领域已算得上特别。然而,就在众多画家竞相表现乡村的幽静与大都市的繁华之时,出现了一位独特的人物,他以巴黎旧市区的古老建筑和僻静的街道为作画的表现内容,那些破旧的建筑街道、干枯的小树小草,甚至人们不予理睬的石块,在他的笔下都好似获得了重生!他就是画家于特里约。 Misty mountains, gurgling water, towering trees, green grass ... ... This infinite vitality of the pastoral landscape, it seems to be born to attract the attention of painters, the endless fields of wheat, trees in the mountains, twists and turns of the forest path Hard-working peasants have appeared on many occasions in the works of many famous painters. Even the well-known museums have mostly collected landscape works based on rural themes. In the meantime, the performance of the cityscape can be said to be very few, Mona That bustling Linyin Boulevard, the solemn cathedral, Picasso brush bridge in the bird’s eye view, in this area has been considered special. However, as many painters vied with the quietness of the country and the bustling metropolis, a unique character emerged. He drew on the ancient buildings and secluded streets of the old city of Paris. The dilapidated buildings The streets, dry trees and grass, and even the stones that people ignore, seems to be reborn in his writing! He is the painter of Terry.
好久没有回老家,一回到故乡,亲戚、朋友见面分外亲切。可是以往一直对我颇好的三婶这次却出人意料,对我颇是冷淡,我有些纳闷:何故? 那天,我与老母亲聊起来,母亲也一味埋怨我
  采用间接ELISA法(最低检测值约104)建立一种新的粘附测定的体外模型,并进一步研究了不同培养条件、细菌浓度、 孵育时间、 孵育温度、pH值、盐度、二价阳离子、碳水化合物
  The intracellular survival of a Vibrio alginolyticus strain,ingested by head kidney phagocytes and peripheral leukocytes of grouper,Epinephelus awoara,was a
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  The intracellular survival of Vibrio alginolyticus and V.parahaemolyticus in large yellow croaker macrophages was investigated.