近年来,在助产工作中试用气囊助产器扩张阴道与指法保护会阴相结合。此法省力灵活;对会阴体及胎头压迫面积小、时间短,可使胎头间断压迫会阴体部,并得到短暂休息,减少水肿,因而会阴裂伤率大大降低。兹介绍如下。 1.助产者站在产妇右侧。宫口开全,常规外阴消毒后,铺无菌产包。应用气囊后助产器扩张阴道连续三次,胎头开始拔露时,嘱产妇于宫缩前深吸气,然后并气用力,均匀地运用腹压。宫缩间歇抬头回缩时,
In recent years, midwifery trial midwifery expansion of the vaginal canal and fingerprinting to protect the perineum combination. This method is labor-saving and flexible; on the perineal body and fetal head compression area is small, time is short, the fetal head can intermittently compress the body of the perineum, and a brief rest, reduce edema, and thus greatly reduce the rate of perineal laceration. Here is the introduction. Midwifery workers stand on the right side. Miyaguchi full, conventional vulva disinfection, shop sterile package. After the application of air bag expansion of the vagina vaginitis three times in a row, the fetal head began to dew, asked the woman in the contractions before deep breathing, and then force the gas, the uniform use of abdominal pressure. Contractions intermittent head cramped,