学者称芈月是秦兵马俑主人 专家:没兴趣反驳

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电视剧《芈月传》热播,话题与吐槽声不绝于耳。近日,研究者陈景元重申了他坚持了四十年的看法,“兵马俑主人不是秦始皇而是秦宣太后”。对此,大多数文博专家表示不感兴趣,“历史上早就有定论的事情,讨论没有任何意义”。也有人回应道:“陈景元的观点漏洞太多,对于这种无聊的争议,我没有兴趣反驳。”近日,研究者陈景元再次抛出他坚持了40年的观点,“兵马俑主人不是秦始皇而是秦宣太后”。观点一出,引起各方热议,不少网友质疑其 TV series “芈 月 Biography” hit, topics and Tuokou endless voices. Recently, the researcher Chen Jingyuan reiterated that he insisted 40 years of view, “Terracotta Warriors owner is not the Qin Shi Huang Empress”. In this regard, most of the experts say they are not interested, “history has long been the conclusion of the matter, the discussion does not make any sense ”. Someone also replied: “Chen Jingyuan view loopholes too much, for this boring controversy, I am not interested to refute. ” Recently, the researcher Chen Jingyuan once again dished up his insistence 40 years of view, “Terracotta master is not the First Emperor But Qin Xuan Empress ”. A point of view, aroused hot parties, many users questioned it