目的了解少数民族吸毒人员对艾滋病知识的知晓情况,探讨对吸毒人员的健康教育方式。方法对200名吸毒人员进行艾滋病相关知识问卷调查,并对结果进行统计分析。结果 172名涉毒人员中,基本知识知晓率为54.7%,特定知识知晓率为48.9%;传播途径知晓率为15.9%,对待艾滋病感染者态度正确率为82.5%,不同的文化程度其知识知晓率有显著差异(χ2=3.499,P<0.05)。结论少数民族吸毒人员对艾滋病的认识不足,对艾滋病知识知晓率较低,对待AIDS/HIV感染者态度正确率较高;对日常接触行为不能准确回答;通过电视等媒体能有效促进吸毒人员对艾滋病知识的进一步了解;在吸毒人员中开展同伴教育是比较可行的方法。
Objective To understand the knowledge of AIDS among minority drug addicts and to explore ways of health education for drug addicts. Methods 200 HIV / AIDS drug addicts were surveyed about HIV / AIDS related knowledge and the results were statistically analyzed. Results Among the 172 drug addicts, the awareness rate of basic knowledge was 54.7%, that of specific knowledge was 48.9%, that of communication was 15.9%, that of AIDS was 82.5%, and knowledge of different levels of education There was a significant difference (χ2 = 3.499, P <0.05). Conclusion The awareness of HIV / AIDS among minority drug addicts is not enough, their knowledge of HIV / AIDS is low, their attitude toward HIV / AIDS is high, they can not answer their daily contact correctly, and media such as TV can effectively promote HIV / AIDS among HIV / AIDS patients A better understanding of knowledge; peer education among drug abusers is a more viable option.