作家吕中山赠我一册新书 :《祝福祖国》 ,这是他对国庆 5 0周年的献礼。奉献了他一片赤子之心 :他对祖国真挚深沉的爱 ,对共产党的铭心刻骨的感激。这本书里的文章都不长 ,每篇不过千余字 ,涉及的内容比较杂 ,然而读过之后 ,却在我脑中组成幅幅感人的图画 ,透过白纸黑字 ,我仿?
Writer Lvzhong Shan presented me with a new book: “Bless the Motherland,” which is a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. He devoted himself to being a child of innocence: his sincere and profound love for his motherland, his gratitude to the Communist Party. The articles in this book are not long. Each article contains more than a thousand words, but the content involved is rather complicated. However, after reading it, I have composed pictures of moving pictures in my mind.