据说,王阳明振铎贵阳文明书院时,其“知行合一”的学说仿佛隐隐山风,那么,至少“致良知”的思想在龙冈书院已经萧萧有声。小时候习《古文观止》,记得收了王阳明的《瘗旅文》《象祠记》,前篇写伤人客死、悲情真挚,后篇写君子修德、感化深切,至今尚能背诵。这一文一记都是他在龙场时期阐发“致良知”思想的形象化的论文。这次看了选本中《与安宣慰书》三篇,尤其其二,感到也接触他的观点,又读《远俗亭记》《卧马家记》和一些秀逸有致的诗作,一样有意思。 人说,研究孔孟必到山东,研究二程必到河南,研究朱熹必到江西,研究王阳明不能不到贵州、不能不到修文、不能不到阳明洞。从贵州回来没几天,报载浙江柯桥的稽山书院复建开院,什么时候也应该去走一走,包括余姚的阳明故居、兰亭的阳明墓,与修文行合并作一次读书之旅。
It is about 20 kilometers from Guiyang to Xiuwen. I went there to visit Longchang where Wang Yangming (1472-1529) stayed for more than three years. In 1508 he was exiled to the remote Longchang in the southwestern China from the dynasty’s capital. Xiuwen had used to be a sparsely populated region. Then nine outposts were developed and trade routes extended. Longchang was the first of the nine in the wilderness. The outpost in Longchang was nothing to write home about. As the governor, Wang had only one employee working under him and twenty-three horses. Upon arrival, he found he had nowhere to stay. He built a thatched hut and made it his home.
“Contemplating Truth in Longchang” is a key chapter in the history of Chinese philosophy and culture and makes Longchang famous. Longchang and the hut where Wang stayed are long gone, but there is a cave in Qixia Hill to the east of the county’s capital where Wang Yangming did his contemplation. This is the destination for pilgrims like me. There is a park in front of the hill. Inside the park stand a white stone memorial archway and a bronze statue. The park is composed of a public square and a memorial museum. I bought a selection of poems and essays of Wang Yangming at the museum.
Through the archway I went to the hill. The forest was dense. After a long flight of steps I came to Yangming Cave and saw two towering cypress trees nearby. Presumably they were planted by the philosopher himself. If the story is true, then the two trees are more than 500 years old.
The cave was where Wang worked out his system of philosophy. As he did not have a tight official work schedule in such a remote place, he deserted the hut and came here. He studied classics here and wrote a thick heap of notes. On the basis of the notes, he wrote a book on his philosophy. Longchang was where his unprecedented ideas were first conceived, though not yet fully fledged.
He had a house built not far from the cave. He wrote a short essay about the three-room house and a relatively good life he enjoyed there. He planted flowers and bamboo there; he edited his essays and notes and played the Qin. Scholars came to visit him from far and the local chief provided wine and meat. As a scholar, he decided to teach local people about Confucianism.
He set up a school at the top of Qixia Hill and named it Longgang Academy. The book I had bought at the museum does not explain the details of the school: when it started and how students came to him. In a letter he wrote to a student, he mentioned that he recruited 17 locals when the school started. His ideas spread through the lectures he gave. In his lifetime he ran three academies: Longgang Academy in Guizhou, Lianxi Academy in Jiangxi and Jishan Academy in Zhejiang. The three schools constituted a road map showing how he disseminated his ideology. The studies of his philosophy in Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and America are all based on the ideas he conceived at Longgang. His thought about education can be seen clearly in the teachings he wrote at Longgang. The academy at Longgang was long gong even in the Ming Dynasty and a memorial temple was set up on the site there to commemorate Wang Yangming. The temple was refurbished several times during the Qing Dynasty. The current structure retains the historical layout. In the 1990s, a bronze statue donated by Japan was set up there and plaques and couplets were restored. His poems written in Longgang can be seen on six stone steles in the west wing.
When I was a kid, I read two essays of Wang in a textbook compiled in the Qing Dynasty. I was deeply impressed. I can still recite the texts. The first text describes the death of someone far from home. The second essay relates the cultivation of virtues a man should do. The essays reflect the unity of knowledge and action, a theory that he conceived at Longchang.
I walked out of the academy and came to the guesthouse where the visitors to the academy once stayed. Nearby is a Buddhist temple. After the temple was constructed, local government thought its location inappropriate because it was offensive to the solemnity of the memorial temple of Wang Yangming. So monks were ordered to leave and only two or three were instructed to stay to take care of the memorial temple.
Leaving Longgang, I thought about the sites of Wang Yangming in Zhejiang. Now I am thinking of a journey to visit Jishan Academy in Keqiao, Shaoxing, the former residence of Wang Yangming in Yuyao, and his tomb in Orchid Pavilion in Shaoxing. My visit to Xiuwen County would be additionally meaningful if I can visit the philosopher’s home and academy and tomb in Zhejiang.
据说,王阳明振铎贵阳文明书院时,其“知行合一”的学说仿佛隐隐山风,那么,至少“致良知”的思想在龙冈书院已经萧萧有声。小时候习《古文观止》,记得收了王阳明的《瘗旅文》《象祠记》,前篇写伤人客死、悲情真挚,后篇写君子修德、感化深切,至今尚能背诵。这一文一记都是他在龙场时期阐发“致良知”思想的形象化的论文。这次看了选本中《与安宣慰书》三篇,尤其其二,感到也接触他的观点,又读《远俗亭记》《卧马家记》和一些秀逸有致的诗作,一样有意思。 人说,研究孔孟必到山东,研究二程必到河南,研究朱熹必到江西,研究王阳明不能不到贵州、不能不到修文、不能不到阳明洞。从贵州回来没几天,报载浙江柯桥的稽山书院复建开院,什么时候也应该去走一走,包括余姚的阳明故居、兰亭的阳明墓,与修文行合并作一次读书之旅。
It is about 20 kilometers from Guiyang to Xiuwen. I went there to visit Longchang where Wang Yangming (1472-1529) stayed for more than three years. In 1508 he was exiled to the remote Longchang in the southwestern China from the dynasty’s capital. Xiuwen had used to be a sparsely populated region. Then nine outposts were developed and trade routes extended. Longchang was the first of the nine in the wilderness. The outpost in Longchang was nothing to write home about. As the governor, Wang had only one employee working under him and twenty-three horses. Upon arrival, he found he had nowhere to stay. He built a thatched hut and made it his home.
“Contemplating Truth in Longchang” is a key chapter in the history of Chinese philosophy and culture and makes Longchang famous. Longchang and the hut where Wang stayed are long gone, but there is a cave in Qixia Hill to the east of the county’s capital where Wang Yangming did his contemplation. This is the destination for pilgrims like me. There is a park in front of the hill. Inside the park stand a white stone memorial archway and a bronze statue. The park is composed of a public square and a memorial museum. I bought a selection of poems and essays of Wang Yangming at the museum.
Through the archway I went to the hill. The forest was dense. After a long flight of steps I came to Yangming Cave and saw two towering cypress trees nearby. Presumably they were planted by the philosopher himself. If the story is true, then the two trees are more than 500 years old.
The cave was where Wang worked out his system of philosophy. As he did not have a tight official work schedule in such a remote place, he deserted the hut and came here. He studied classics here and wrote a thick heap of notes. On the basis of the notes, he wrote a book on his philosophy. Longchang was where his unprecedented ideas were first conceived, though not yet fully fledged.
He had a house built not far from the cave. He wrote a short essay about the three-room house and a relatively good life he enjoyed there. He planted flowers and bamboo there; he edited his essays and notes and played the Qin. Scholars came to visit him from far and the local chief provided wine and meat. As a scholar, he decided to teach local people about Confucianism.
He set up a school at the top of Qixia Hill and named it Longgang Academy. The book I had bought at the museum does not explain the details of the school: when it started and how students came to him. In a letter he wrote to a student, he mentioned that he recruited 17 locals when the school started. His ideas spread through the lectures he gave. In his lifetime he ran three academies: Longgang Academy in Guizhou, Lianxi Academy in Jiangxi and Jishan Academy in Zhejiang. The three schools constituted a road map showing how he disseminated his ideology. The studies of his philosophy in Korea, Southeast Asia, Europe and America are all based on the ideas he conceived at Longgang. His thought about education can be seen clearly in the teachings he wrote at Longgang. The academy at Longgang was long gong even in the Ming Dynasty and a memorial temple was set up on the site there to commemorate Wang Yangming. The temple was refurbished several times during the Qing Dynasty. The current structure retains the historical layout. In the 1990s, a bronze statue donated by Japan was set up there and plaques and couplets were restored. His poems written in Longgang can be seen on six stone steles in the west wing.
When I was a kid, I read two essays of Wang in a textbook compiled in the Qing Dynasty. I was deeply impressed. I can still recite the texts. The first text describes the death of someone far from home. The second essay relates the cultivation of virtues a man should do. The essays reflect the unity of knowledge and action, a theory that he conceived at Longchang.
I walked out of the academy and came to the guesthouse where the visitors to the academy once stayed. Nearby is a Buddhist temple. After the temple was constructed, local government thought its location inappropriate because it was offensive to the solemnity of the memorial temple of Wang Yangming. So monks were ordered to leave and only two or three were instructed to stay to take care of the memorial temple.
Leaving Longgang, I thought about the sites of Wang Yangming in Zhejiang. Now I am thinking of a journey to visit Jishan Academy in Keqiao, Shaoxing, the former residence of Wang Yangming in Yuyao, and his tomb in Orchid Pavilion in Shaoxing. My visit to Xiuwen County would be additionally meaningful if I can visit the philosopher’s home and academy and tomb in Zhejiang.