在球场上叱咤风云、无所不能的NBA球星们,他们在家庭中和妻子的关系怎样呢? 基德夫妇“天仙配” 基德的妻子名叫乔马娜,原在达拉斯电视台工作,但当丈夫从小牛队转会到了太阳队后,她也辞掉电视台的工作,随丈夫来到了凤凰城。今年1月18日,两人为了喂儿子的事起了争执,并且由此越闹越大,基德一时控制不住情绪,就打了乔玛娜一个耳光,乔玛娜的嘴唇立刻肿了起来,鲜血从她嘴里流了出来。乔玛娜可不是一般妇女,她是新闻记者,新闻记者可不会忍气吞声。为了保护自己,她立刻打911报警,基德随即被警察带往警局问话。到了晚上8点,基德的律师陪乔玛娜来到警局,告诉警官这只是一场夫妻失和、一时冲突的事件,被害人无意诉诸法律,并且基德系本市太阳队主力控球后卫,为确保明日迎战金州勇士队不致失手,尚请开释返家休息备战云云。警官于是在9点钟把基德开释。其实,基德夫妻的感情非常好,第二天,在众多记者的注视下,基德以柔性的语调打开了记者会的
All-NBA players on the pitch, their relationship with his wife in the family how? Kid couples “angel match ” Kidd’s wife called Joe Mana, originally worked at Dallas TV, but When her husband transferred from the Mavericks to the Suns, she quit her TV job and came to Phoenix with her husband. January 18 this year, the two men in order to feed his son had a dispute, and the more the bigger and bigger, Kidd could not control emotions for a moment, they hit a slap in the face of Joe Manna, Qia Mana lips swollen immediately, the blood from Her mouth flowed out. Gomera is not an average woman, she is a journalist, journalists will not swallow. In order to protect themselves, she immediately called 911, Kidd was immediately taken to the police asked the police. By 20:00, Jason Kidman’s lawyer came to the police station to tell police officers that this is only a couple lost and temporary conflicts, the victim had no intention of resorting to law, and Kidd is the city’s main point guard of the Suns, In order to ensure that the Golden State Warriors will not be missed tomorrow, please rest home and prepare for the storm. The police officer released Kidd at 9 o’clock. In fact, Kidd’s feelings are very good, the very next day, in the eyes of many reporters, Kidd opened the press conference in a flexible tone