平衡千斤顶是两柱掩护式液压支架的重要组成部分,调节支架顶梁合力、合力作用点的位置及顶梁的载荷分布,其缸径和上、下腔安全阀卸载压力的选择至关重要,一方面要保证顶梁前端能承受足够大的载荷而又要保证不会出现支架失稳,另一方面要保证顶梁后端和掩护梁能承受岩石重量,针对这2个方面的要求,提出了其具体的推导过程、计算方法和选择原则。“,”Stabilizing cylinder is a main part of two-leg hydraulic shield. It is used to adjust the point of the resultant force that the floor applies to the canopy and the loading point on the canopy. It is very important to choose the right diameter of the cylinder and right pressure of the yield valve in both the upper and the lower cylinder chambers to make sure not only that the front part of the canopy can stand large loading and the roof support stands firm but also that the hinder part of the canopy and the gob shield can stand the weight of certain rock. Based on those two requirements, this thesis provides the specific derivation process, calculation methods and selection principal.