1994年2月9日,除夕下午。 舟山海关。辛苦了一年的关员们处理完日常工作,陆续踏上归途,准备与家人共度除夕之夜。 14时45分,一阵急促的电话铃声蓦地在张学文关长办公室响起。他一把抓起听筒,里面传来急促的声音:“连云港海关820艇在海上遭受特大风浪遇险。现在东经122°49′,北纬30°42′06″船体伤势严重,9名船艇关员疲惫已极,急需你关救援,越快越好,越快越好!” 十万火急!张关长搁下电话,直奔调查值班室。 值班室。荣浙东副科长也接到了杭州海关有关
February 9, 1994, New Year’s Eve afternoon. Zhoushan Customs. After a hard year’s work, the customs officers finished their daily work and gradually set foot on their way home to spend the New Year’s Eve with their families. At 14:45, a hurried ringing tone rang in the office of the Chief Zhang Xuewen. He grabbed the handset and heard a rushing voice: “The Lianyungang Customs and Excise Department’s 820 boat suffered extreme wind waves and was in distress at sea. Now 122°49′E, latitude 30°42′06′′, the hull is in serious condition, and 9 boatmen are exhausted. Extremely, you need to close the rescue. The sooner the better, the sooner the better! “One hundred thousand fire emergency! Zhang Guanchang put down the phone and went straight to the investigation duty room. Duty room. Deputy Head of East Zhejiang Rongxing also received relevant information from Hangzhou Customs.”