9月10日,迈克尔·乔丹一路过关斩将。从120名参赛选手中杀出重围,最终获得首届特伦特·塔克慈善扑克锦标赛的冠军。当着扑克巨星菲尔·海尔姆尔的面,乔丹极其兴奋地表示这是他一生中获得的第一个Hold’em(德州扑克“攥紧它”)冠军。 “篮球上帝”也是疯狂赌徒,甚至一度濒临崩溃,赌博已成为他人生中的一个污点。只是,“上帝”悬崖勒马,终于收束住自己迷乱的心性。昔日,他在地下赌局中素有“铁公鸡”之称,输了时,甚至一分小费都不给。现在,他把光明正大拿到的2.5万美元奖金悉数捐给慈善事业,还慷慨地拿出5000美元来为老友奥克利订制的“Chopper”摩托车买单.乐得奥克利咧嘴直乐:“哥们,你太够意思了!” 说到底,赌亦有道,赌也是一种人生的境界.但需要收放自如。
September 10, Michael Jordan all the way through. From the 120 contestants to blaze siege, eventually won the first Trent Tucker charity poker championship. In the face of poker superstar Phil Helmul, Jordan was extremely excited to say that it was the first Hold’em winner of his life. “Basketball God” is also a crazy gambler, and even once on the verge of collapse, gambling has become a stain in his life. Only, “God ” the brink of closure, and finally confine their confusion of mind. In the past, he was known as “Iron Rooster” in underground gambling and lost even a small tip when lost. Now he is giving $ 25,000 in bonuses to charity and generously paying $ 5,000 to pay for his “Chopper” motorcycle made by his old friend Oakley. “Man, you are too mean!” After all, gambling is also a way, gambling is also a realm of life, but need to be free.