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目的了解西安市大骨节病区小学生饮食行为情况,为大骨节病病因研究和防治提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机整群抽样法,用自行设计的问卷对1 076名小学生进行自填式问卷调查。结果调查对象中当地小麦的食用率为78.81%,其次为外地大米(58.92%)和当地玉米(52.51%)。调查对象中坚持食用大米的行为率为51.30%,食用富硒食品的行为率为21.28%;中、重病区食用大米和富硒食品的行为率均低于轻病区(χ~2=9.351、54.818,均P<0.05)。五年级学生坚持食用大米和富硒食品的行为率高于三年级(χ~2=17.104、6.262,均P<0.05)。50.93%的调查对象愿意食用大米,24.67%的调查对象愿意食用富硒食物。四、五年级学生食用大米的意愿高于三年级(χ~2=19.384,P<0.05),轻病区学生食用富硒食物的意愿高于重中病区(χ~2=33.331,P<0.05)。病区学生最近1周内副食食用情况中蔬菜(73.04%)、新鲜水果(57.43%)和奶及奶制品(44.05%)食用率较高,而家禽及禽产品(18.40%)、猪牛羊肉(15.33%)、鱼类(13.01%)较低。结论西安市大骨节病病区小学生的饮食行为不合理,存在主食种类单一,以当地小麦、玉米为主,肉类、家禽、鱼类等食用率偏低的情况。相关部门应加强对病区居民大骨节病防治知识的健康教育,促进居民改善不良的饮食行为,提高病区儿童身体素质。 Objective To understand the diet behavior of pupils in Kashin-Beck disease in Xi’an and to provide a scientific basis for the study and prevention of Kashin-Beck disease. Methods A stratified random cluster sampling method was used to survey 1076 primary school students using self-designed questionnaire. Results The local wheat consumption rate was 78.81%, followed by foreign rice (58.92%) and local corn (52.51%). The behavioral rate of eating rice was 51.30% and that of eating selenium-enriched food was 21.28%. The behavioral rates of consuming rice and selenium-enriched foods in moderate and severe wards were lower than those in those with mild illnesses (χ ~ 2 = 9.351, 54.818, all P <0.05). Fifth grade students insist on eating rice and se-enriched foods higher than the third grade (χ ~ 2 = 17.104,6.262, both P <0.05). 50.93% of the respondents are willing to eat rice, 24.67% of the respondents are willing to eat selenium-rich foods. The willingness of fourth and fifth grade students to eat rice was higher than that of third grade (χ ~ 2 = 19.384, P <0.05). The willingness of students with light selenium to eat selenium-enriched foods was higher than that of those with severe disease (χ ~ 2 = 33.331, 0.05). In the past week, the consumption of vegetables (73.04%), fresh fruits (57.43%) and milk and dairy products (44.05%) in non-staple food cases in ward students were higher, while that of poultry and poultry products (18.40%), pork, beef and mutton (15.33%), fish (13.01%) lower. Conclusions The behavior of pupils in Kashin-Beck disease ward in Xi’an is not reasonable. There are single types of staple foods, mainly wheat and corn in the local area, while the consumption rate of meat, poultry and fish is low. Relevant departments should strengthen the knowledge and knowledge of Kashin-Beck disease ward health education to promote residents to improve bad eating behavior, improve the ward children’s physical fitness.
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目的 探讨可卡因-安非他明调节转录肽(CART peptides)基因在国人中的多态性及与2型糖尿病及其临床特征的关系。方法 用聚合酶链反应8单链构象多态(PCR-SSCP)的方法,对无亲缘关系的401例华南地区汉族人CART基因的3个外显子及内含子连接部进行筛查(包括180例糖耐量正常者及221例2型糖尿病患者)并进行测序鉴定。结果 (1)在中国汉族人中存在着CART基因的多态性,为DNA链14