“Electrotechnical” is a commonly used term, strictly speaking, its content is very broad. Any application of electromagnetic phenomena dominated by the technical sciences, can be called electrical engineering. It includes the electromagnetic form of energy and information generation, transmission, measurement, control, use, equipment manufacturing, business planning and other aspects. For these contents, because the work needs have been classified as energy or information according to technical purposes, the electrician can be divided into two categories, that is, the strong electric and the weak electric. Or, the electrician can be divided into two categories according to the industrial organization for manufacturing and operation. However, such a division is not entirely accurate, and the subsequent mutual penetration of various sciences is increasingly strengthened. Such a division is even more difficult to explain. With the development of production and science, some branch disciplines of electrician technology have been gradually formed and have been independently developed. For example, early radio belongs to the weak category of electricians, and later gradually became a subject. Then computer technology, automation