问:经济发展和经济增长的区别和联系是怎样的?发展经济学的外延如何限定?它研究的对象和范围是怎样的? 答:经济发展不同于经济增长。经济增长系指一国或地区国民生产总值(GNP)的增长;而经济发展则是随着经济增长而出现的经济、社会,甚至政治结构的变化和进步。经济增长是经济发展的基础,没有经济增长的发展是难以想象的;从另一方面讲,分配不公、社会事业停滞不前,群众参与意识不强,经济增长最终也将受到严重的制约。因此。可以说经济增长是手段,经济发展是目的。
Q: What is the difference and connection between economic development and economic growth? How is the definition of development economics limited? What is the object and scope of the study? A: Economic development is different from economic growth. Economic growth refers to the growth of GNP in one country or region; and economic development refers to the changes and progress of economic, social and even political structures as the economy grows. On the other hand, unfair distribution, stagnation of social undertakings and weak sense of participation of the masses will eventually result in serious constraints on economic growth. therefore. It can be said that economic growth is a means of economic development is the purpose.