在江西省萍乡市万龙山垦殖场的苍茫林海里,有一位年逾七旬的护林老人-欧阳元秋。他,皓首丹心,不畏权势;秉公执法,不徇私情。九个冬春如一日,辛勤护林,被誊为“林海苍松”。 1973年初,“文化大革命”的祸水继续泛滥,无政府主义妖风刮进深山,成群结队的人流洗劫山区的竹木。成片的茂林修竹几乎被砍光了。流水淙淙的山谷水源枯竭了,生态平衡受到了破坏,山洪爆发、河坝垮了、庄园
Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province million Longshan reclamation farmland vast sea, there is a more than seventy years old forest guard - Ouyang Yuanqiu. He, Haoshoudan heart, fearless of power; impartiality and law enforcement, not solemn love. Nine winter and spring day, hard-shelter, was 誊 as “pine forest.” In early 1973, the troubles of the “Great Cultural Revolution” continued to spread. Anarchist wind blew into the mountains and crowds of bamboo trees were looted in the mountains. Into a piece of Maolin Xihu almost cut off. The sluggish valley water depleted, the ecological balance has been destroyed, flash floods, river dam collapsed, manor