众所周知,圆锥曲线的离心率e是用来刻画圆锥曲线形状的一个重要特征量,不同的圆锥曲线有着不同的离心率;椭圆型圆锥曲线 0<e<1抛物线型圆锥曲线 e=1双曲线型圆锥曲线 e>1笔者通过研究发现,圆锥曲线还存在着一个与离心率e相类似的重要性质;为了叙述方便,
It is well known that the eccentricity e of the conic section is an important feature used to describe the shape of the conic section. Different conic sections have different eccentricities; the elliptic conic section 01 The author found that the conic curve still has an important property similar to the eccentricity e; for the sake of narrative convenience,