1998年 1 2月 1 7日的《汴梁晚报》上曾发表了一篇名为《漫话群古斋》的短文 ,对解放前河南古玩界著名人士蔺仕庵先生及其创建的群古斋作了简要的介绍 ,但由于篇幅的限制很多问题都未能深述。抚今追昔 ,深感有必要为研究近代河南文物古玩行业的变迁与兴衰留下一些我们所知的几?
On January 17, 1998, “Liang Liang Evening News” published a short essay entitled “Ancient Man Group of Manchu Herds.” He made a brief introduction to Mr. Lin Shian-an, a famous person in Henan’s antiquarian world before the liberation, A brief introduction, but due to space limitations, many problems have failed to elaborate. Recalling the past, deeply felt the need to study the modern Henan antiquities antiques industry changes and the rise and fall of some of our knowledge of the few?