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  Office buildings were 1)evacuated, schools shut down, train service 2)suspended. For two anxious hours this morning, just two things were clear-New Yorkers were nervous and there was an awful smell.
  Passerby A: We were woken up out of bed.
  Passerby B: We were in a truck and everything started to smell bad.
  Reporter: What do you do? How do you take action immediately?
  The 3)stench 4)prompted hundreds of 911 calls in an area miles long, from New Jersey to northern Manhattan.
  Official A: The smell is there. We don’t know the source of it.
  5)Utility companies in New York and New Jersey checked their gas lines and 6)gauges and found no change in pressure, meaning, no big 7)leaks. Since the September 11th attacks, New York and several other cities have invested in air sensors to detect chemical attacks.
  Official B: You’ve got 8)automated systems with the 9)remote ability to detect materials in the air that shouldn’t be there.
  By 11 a.m. the sensors determined the 10)odor was nothing harmful, but still couldn’t 11)nail down what it was.
  Official C: The automated systems tell them what it isn’t and then you have to, from there, begin sorting out what it could be.
  Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested the smell could come from an additive called “mercaptin”,which is added to natural gas to give it its smell, but officials could not be 100% sure.
  The good news is, thanks to this strong wind, the smell is long gone. But this is the third time in the last two years that an odor has caused a 12)stir in New York City, and officials haven’t been able to trace the cause in any of the cases. John Berman, New York.

Cast  Zachary Gordon...Greg Heffley  Robert Capron...Rowley Jefferson  Rachael Harris...Susan Heffley  Steve Zahn...Frank Heffley  Devon Bostick...Rodrick Heffley  Chloe Moretz...Angie Steadman  Laine
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说起考试,想必大家都有各种各样的经历吧。记得小编当年参加考试可是紧张得不得了,担心自己没复习好、考砸会有什么后果……经历过各类考试后,小编的体会是:很多时候,我们考不好是由于紧张而没有发挥出自己的水平。考试就像在赛场上比赛,心态是关键。只要做好准备,考出自己应有的水平,就无愧于心了。套用一句老话,“平时如考时,考时如平时”,以下这篇文章也许就能帮你战胜考试压力!  阅读提示:本文虽然文字量大,但语
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成功不是天生的,需要磨练和机遇,才华方能开花。经历了各种酸甜苦辣,已经是好莱坞一线明星的希拉里斯旺克(Hilary Swank)给过去的自己,以及更多胸怀梦想的少年写了一封信。本文词汇简单,篇幅短小,充满了乐观积极的坚强态度,不妨多加诵读。    Dear Hilary,  Don’t worry about being an outsider. You work so hard to be fr
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