容器苗造林是解决干旱、瘠薄、石质山地阳坡造林主要方法之一。朝阳1980—1983年连续干旱,降雨量为正常年降雨量的60%左右。地下水位平均下降7m,用裸根苗造林成活率低。为提高阳坡造林成活率,从1982—1984年对侧柏(Thuja orientelie L.)容器苗的培育及其造林技术进行了试验研究。试验分育苗、造林两个阶段,每个阶段搞三个重复进行对比。一、试验设置与方法 (一)容器苗的培育 1.圃地的选择及作床。容器育苗采用室
Container seedling afforestation is to solve the drought, infertility, stony hillside afforestation one of the main ways. Chaoyang 1980-1983 continuous drought, rainfall is about 60% of normal annual rainfall. The average groundwater level dropped 7m, with bare root seedling afforestation survival rate is low. In order to improve the survival rate of afforestation in sunny slope, the experiment of cultivation of container seedlings of Thuja orientelie L. from 1982 to 1984 and its afforestation techniques were studied. Test points nursery, afforestation two stages, each stage engaged in three repeated comparison. First, the experimental setup and methods (A) container seedling cultivation 1. Bedding choice and as a bed. Container nursery room