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汕大医学院第一附属医院位于汕头市长平路85号,邮政编码515041,电话0754—8252184。该院系香港爱国人士李嘉诚先生捐巨资兴建的一所为潮汕和粤东人民提供医疗服务和培养医学人材的新型综合性教学医院,总用地面积39,562平方米,第Ⅰ期工程于1989年3月建成开业,建筑面积3.3万平方米,有用房900余间,设计床位318张,实际开放床位450张;第Ⅱ期工程1992年动工,近期即可竣工,届时全院建筑面积约5万平方米,病床增至700张。 汕大医学院一附院前身是汕头医院,创建于1935年。以后数度易名,至1946年改名汕头市立医院,1954年改为汕头市第一人民医院,成为解放后汕头市一家颇具规模的综合性医院。1967年初,随汕头医学专科学校创办,该院挂牌为汕头医专附属医院。文革期间停办,至1973年复办。1983年底易名为汕头大学医学院第一附属医院,隶属汕头大学医学院、广东省卫生厅双重领导。 医院目前在职人员921人,其中卫生技术人员767人,高级职称47人,中级职称136人,博士、硕士15人。院长唐慧明眼科教授。 医院南区为主楼,一二层为门、急诊和机诊。设有放射科、CT室、检验科、病理科、病毒室、理疗科、内窥镜室、A超室、B超室、肺功能基础代谢室、脑电图和脑血流图室、诱发电位室、放射免疫室等。门诊分 The First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaoda Medical College is located at No. 85, Changping Road, Shantou City, Postal Code 515041, telephone 0754-8251184. The college is a new comprehensive teaching hospital funded by Hong Kong patriot Mr. Li Ka-shing, who donated huge sums of money to provide medical services for the people of Chaoshan and eastern Guangdong, and cultivate medical personnel. The total land area is 39,562 square meters. The first phase of the project was established in 1989. 3 It was completed and opened in the month, with a building area of ​​33,000 square meters, more than 900 useful rooms, 318 design beds, and 450 actual open beds. The second phase of the construction started in 1992 and can be completed in the near future. By then, the building area will be about 50,000 square meters. In meters, the number of beds increased to 700. The First Affiliated Hospital of Shanda Medical University was formerly Shantou Hospital, founded in 1935. Later it was renamed several times. It was renamed Shantou Municipal Hospital in 1946 and Shantou First People’s Hospital in 1954. It became a large-scale comprehensive hospital in Shantou after the liberation. In early 1967, with Shantou Medical College founded, the hospital was listed as the Shantou Medical Special Affiliated Hospital. Closed during the Cultural Revolution and resumed in 1973. At the end of 1983, it was renamed the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College, under the dual leadership of the Medical College of Shantou University and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Health. The hospital currently has 921 employees, including 767 health technicians, 47 senior professional titles, 136 intermediate professional titles, and 15 doctors and masters. Dean Tang Huiming Eye Professor. The southern part of the hospital is the main building, and the first and second floors are gates, emergency and machine consultations. With radiology department, CT room, laboratory department, pathology department, virus room, physiotherapy department, endoscope room, A-ultrasound room, B-mode room, lung function basic metabolic room, EEG and cerebral blood flow chart room, induced Potential room, radiological immunity room and so on. Outpatient
前列腺癌组织中雄激素受体 (AR)含量与术后采用抗雄激素疗法的反应程度、术后复发、转移率的发生密切相关〔1〕。AR的检测方法多为免疫组化法〔2〕。其所需试剂———ARMcAb国内尚无 ,
人的潜能是无限的,但如何激发潜能却是一个难题。不给自己设限,坚信自己会获得成功是非常关键的自我心理暗示。My grandmother was always encouraging me to set goals and
从银杏外种皮的乙酸乙酯、丙酮和正丁醇提取物中,分得8个结晶,经波谱解析,与对照品及标准图谱对照,分别鉴定为:胡萝卜甙(daucosterol,1)、银杏内酯A和银杏内酯B混合物(ginkgolideAandB,2)、银杏内酯C(ginkgolideC... Eight crystals