佛经中将佛、法、僧称为三宝,而属于三宝之物亦称三宝物,佛像即为佛宝之一。旧时人对佛心存敬畏,故历代多有藏书家、藏书画家、藏古铜瓷器名家等等,乃至有米芾爱石、东坡玩砚之佳话,但研究和收藏佛造像的可谓寥寥。 清代乾嘉时,金石家迭出,随着对钟鼎碑刻、封泥玺印举凡古文字器物研究的学风兴起,有的佛造像、善业泥像等因有发愿文铭刻,故也被著录而为世人所知。如《金石萃编》、《环宇访碑录》、《中州金石记》、《河溯访古录》、《陶斋藏石记》等等金石书录如雨后春笋刊出不穷。罗振玉还对流散海外的带有文字的文物加以著录成《海外贞珉录》。这其中佛教关系的名碑名品亦成为金石学上的经典之作,如《泰山金刚经》、《龙门廿品》、《曹望喜造
Buddhist scriptures in the Buddha, Dharma, monks called Sambo, which is also known as Sambo Thirteen treasures, Buddha is one of the Buddha. Old people feel respect for the Buddha, so many dynasties have a collection of calligraphers, collectors and painters, possession of ancient bronzes and porcelain masters, etc., and even rice cake stone, Dongpo play Yan story, but the study and collection of Buddha statues can be described as very few. During the Qing dynasty, the Jinshi family emerged one after another. Along with the inscriptions on the bells and the bells, the Seal Seal printed on the rise of the style of study of all ancient writing utensils. Some statues of Buddha, Known to the world. Such as “Jinshe Crafts”, “Universal Monument to the Visitors”, “Zhongzhou Jinshi Kee”, “River Records”, “Tao Zhai Cangshi” and so on. Luo Zhenyu also scattered overseas with text of the heritage be recorded as “Overseas Zhen Min recorded.” Among them, the famous monuments of Buddhist relations have also become the classic works on the perennial stone, such as Taishan Diamond Sutra, Longmen Nianpin, Cao Wangxi