我国的风云系列气象卫星是全球综合地球观测系统的重要成员,获得的资料得到世界气象组织(WMO)等机构的认可,影响越来越大。2012年12月,国际著名遥感类期刊IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing将出版风云三号(FY-3)卫星资料处理与应用的专刊,本栏目特选取专刊的4篇文章进行介绍。在此向提供了中文摘要的作者表示谢意。
The series of meteorological satellites in our country are important members of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. The information obtained has been endorsed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and other agencies and their influence has been growing. In December 2012, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, an internationally renowned remote sensing journal, will publish a special issue of FY-3 satellite data processing and application. I am grateful to the author who provided the Chinese abstract here.