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日前,财政部、科技部决定设立国家科技成果转化引导基金(以下简称转化基金),并联合印发了《国家科技成果转化引导基金管理暂行办法》。转化基金由中央财政设立,按照引导性、间接性、非营利性和市场化原则,通过设立创业投资子基金、贷款风险补偿和绩效奖励等支持方式,引导和带动金融资本、民间资本和地 Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Science and Technology decided to set up a national fund for the transfer of scientific and technological achievements (hereinafter referred to as the “conversion fund”) and jointly issued the “Interim Measures for the Administration of the State's Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation and Guidance Fund Management”. The conversion fund is set up by the Central Government and guides and drives financial capital, private capital and land through the establishment of venture capital sub-funds, loan risk compensation and performance incentives and other supportive measures in accordance with guiding principles, indirectness, non-profit and market-oriented principles
最近,英国一家咨询公司针对各国的洗澡频率做了一项调查,巴西人以每周洗澡12次夺冠,而中国人以2天才洗一次澡居于末位,成为“最不喜欢洗澡的地球人”。   这引起中国网民的极大愤慨:“外国人身上那味道不常洗澡能行吗?”也有一天冲三次凉的南方同胞表示“无法接受这个结果”。   其实,洗或不洗,都大有讲究。  督促你洗澡的不是妈妈 是天气   在这份伤害了中国人民感情的调查中,同样“拖后腿”的还有德