Preparation and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived Au Nanoparticle Dispersed Y_2O_3∶Eu Films

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koel
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Gold nanoparticles dispersed Y_2O_3 films were prepared through a sol-gel method by using yttrium acetate and Au nanoparticles colloid as precursors. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV-VIS absorption spectra. XRD patterns and TEM images of Y_2O_3+Au films give the same results on structure and particle size as that of pure Y_2O_3 films. The surface plasma resonance (SPR) of Au nanoparticles in Y_2O_3+Au film was observed around 550 nm in the absorption spectrum and its position shifts to red with increasing annealing temperature is caused by the increase of dielectric constant of Y_2O_3 matrix and the size of Au nanoparticles. The second and third order nonlinear optical effects of Y_2O_3+Au films were also observed. The photoluminescent properties of Y_2O_3∶Eu+Au films were investigated and results indicate that there exist an energy transfer from Eu~ 3+ to Au nanoparticles and this energy transfer decreases the emission of Eu~ 3+ in Y_2O_3∶Eu+Au film. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV-VIS absorption spectra. The films were prepared by a sol- gel method using yttrium acetate and Au nanoparticles colloid as precursors XRD patterns and TEM images of Y_2O_3 + Au films give the same results on structure and particle size as that of pure Y_2O_3 films. The surface plasma resonance (SPR) of Au nanoparticles was observed around 550 nm in the absorption spectrum and its position shifts to red with increasing annealing temperature is caused by the increase of dielectric constant of Y_2O_3 matrix and the size of Au nanoparticles. The second and third order nonlinear optical effects of Y_2O_3 + Au films were also observed. The photoluminescent properties of Y_2O_3 : Eu + Au films were investigated and results that there exist an energy transfer from Eu ~ 3+ to Au nanoparticles and this energy transfer decreases the emi ssion of Eu ~ 3 + in Y_2O_3: Eu + Au film.
当荷兰人科曼入主梅斯塔利亚的时候,人们都认为,这将会是巴伦西亚重生的开始;而在科曼到来三个月后的今天,人们绝没有想到,蝙蝠军团的重生却要如此伤筋动骨。  在科曼竖起的清洗大旗面前,队内的三位元勋, 历经库珀、贝尼特斯、拉涅利与弗洛雷斯的四朝元老卡尼萨雷斯、阿尔贝尔达和安古洛被提前中止了合同, 前两者在错愕悲恸之余也撕破脸皮召开新闻发布会与俱乐部管理层彻底决裂, 而这仅仅是荷兰少帅肃清运动的开端。因
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