【摘 要】
【机 构】
These tombs are the first burials with rich grave goods and intact tomb-structure that archaeologists have excavated in the Yangzhou area up to the present.The objects unearthed from the two tombs include ritual bronzes in imitation of pottery.The ding tr
The Diaolongbei site in Zaoyang City,Hubei,is the remains of a Neolithic settlement located at the confluence of the Changjiang and Huanghe rivers.A lot of house-foundations were found to contatin much charcoal.The present paper reports the species identi
The Gaozhai cemetery lies at Dongzhuang Village of Gaozhai Township in Huzhu County,Qinghai Province,In 1990,the Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated there two tombs,i.e.M1 and M2 .Either of them is brick-built and con
Ulan County was one of the territories of the Tuyuhun and Tuhun ethnic groups,as well as an area which the Qinghai route of the Silk Road had to pass.In 2000,the Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out a trial excavatio
In 1998,the Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology excavated six tombs at Gucheng Township in Ping'an County,Of them four belong to the Kayao culture of the Bronze Age,These graves are all e4arth shafts and yielded mainly pottery
From the final stage of the Henan Longshan culture to the IV phase of the Erlitou culture ,in the region where the Erlitou site was located,the proportion of herbs was greater than that of woody plants,The climate showed a tendency of change from warmth a
<正> 一战國时代齐國陶文和玺印,经常出現""。字,吴大澂、丁佛言、頋廷龙均释此字為"",裘錫圭释为"節",朱德熙空為"鐉"。从目前所見齐國陶文、玺印和銅器銘文来看,此字的形体主要有三种。
<正> 一1991年4月27日,黑龙江省海林市大海林森工处工务段在东方农场四连北山南坡造林时,工人孟祥连掘出一方铜印,印放置在一圆形锻铁印式(亦称印函)中。印为铜质,方形,边长7.7、厚1.6厘米,重1000克,印面镌汉字九叠篆阳文"北京劝农
<正> 禄丰古猿发现于云南省禄丰县北面约9公里的石灰坝村。自1975年发现第一个下颌骨至今,已在产地进行过九次较大规模的发掘,共获古猿颅骨5个,下颌骨10个,颅、颌骨碎片47件,上、下齿列29组,单个牙齿650个,肩胛骨、锁骨各1件,指骨2件。目前,除中国外在巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔、土耳其、匈牙利、希腊、肯尼亚等地都发现有中新世的古猿化石,而禄丰发现的材料是最丰富的。