Discours pronocé par Jacques Chirac aprés I'annonce de sa réélection à la Présidence de la Répu

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今年 5月 5日 ,举世关注的法国总统大选尘埃落定。现任总统雅克·希拉克以绝对优势战胜极右翼候选人让 玛丽·勒庞 ,蝉联总统。在 4月 2 1日总统选举第一轮投票中 ,极右翼国民阵线主席勒庞以 16 86 %的得票率居于第二位 ,进入总统竞选第二轮 ,这在法兰西第五共和国的历史上尚属首次。新闻媒体称之为法国“政治大地震” ,一时间 ,法国各地掀起了一场反对极右势力、反对勒庞、反对新纳粹、捍卫共和国的运动。在这种特殊情况下 ,所有的左翼政党呼吁选民把选票投给他们的政治对手希拉克 ,使第二轮投票超越政党倾向 ,成为多数法国人联合起来 ,共同反对极右势力的“公民公决”式投票。因此 ,5月 5日 ,希拉克在大选获胜的当晚怀着激动的心情发表了这篇题为“法国再次表明对共和国价值的忠诚”的演说。 May 5 this year, the world’s attention the French presidential election, the dust settles. The incumbent President Jacques Chirac defeated the far-right candidate with Mary Le Pen, the president. In the first ballot on the April 21 presidential election, Le Pen, chairman of the far-right National Front, took the second place with 16 86% of the vote and entered the second round of presidential election in the history of the Fifth Republic of France For the first time. The news media called it the “political earthquake” in France. For a time, various movements in France set off a campaign against the far-right forces, opposing Le Pen, opposing the Nazis and defending the republic. In this special case, all the left-wing parties called on voters to vote for their political rival Jacques Chirac, so that the second round of voting would surpass the propensity of political parties to become the “public referendum” that most French people unite to jointly oppose the far-right forces. Voting. Therefore, on the night of May 5, Chirac excitedly expressed this speech entitled “France once again shows its loyalty to the value of the Republic.”
理查德·沃林(Richard Wolin)是著名左翼学者,纽约市立大学研究生院历史学和政治思想史杰出教授,著名欧洲思想史家,代表作有《本雅明:救赎美学》、《存在的政治》、《海德格
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一、前言 高锰钢在冲击负荷不大的高应力碾研磨损条件下,不能充分加工硬化而不耐磨。如磨极硬矿石的衬板残体表面硬度为HB250~350,中硬矿石的衬板残体表面硬度为HB230~280。为