支气管哮喘是一种以可逆性气道阻塞、气道炎症、气道高反应性为主要特征的慢性变态反应性炎症疾病,哮喘动物模型的建立对人类哮喘的研究极为重要。目前多种鼠类哮喘动物模型已被建立,并广泛应用,但以上模型均不能很好的模拟人类哮喘的全部特征。利用家兔制备哮喘动物模型能较好的模拟人类哮喘的诸多典型特征,且家兔的呼吸系统与人类具有相似性,且体积较大,便于对其哮喘发作过程中的病理生理指标进行测量,具有较高的应用价值。本文对该模型的制备方法、相关应用的研究进展进行概述,并对该模型的优缺点进行分析。“,”Asthma is a chronic al ergic inflammatory disease of pulmonary system characterized by various features including reversible airways obstruction, airway inflammation and the status of airway hyperresponsiveness. Asthmatic animal model is the key to the study of human asthma. Various asthmatic animal models have been established using murines. But none of those model is able to reproduce al the features of human asthma individual y. With rabbits, a better asthmatic animal model can be established to reproduce more features of human asthma. Moreover the similarities of the pulmonary systems between rabbits and human add to the value of this models. These features are also beneficial to the study of asthma pathophysiology. This article briefly describes the methods to establish the asthmatic animal model using rabbits and its application. Advantages and disadvantages of this model are also analyzed.