
来源 :经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ming968
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2017年4月14日上午,《经济研究》2017年度编辑委员会会议(以下简称编委会)在北京召开。来自国内外的20多位顾问与委员(以下统称编委)莅临本次会议。会议的第一阶段由《经济研究》副主编张平研究员主持。会议首先由《经济研究》编辑部主任金成武汇报编辑部近期三个主要方面的工作。第一是坚持以马克思主义为指导,推动当代中国马克思主义政治经济学研究。中央巡视组巡视后,在以往工作基础上,编辑部进一步约请学界著名的 On the morning of April 14, 2017, the “Editorial Board of Economic Research” 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Editorial Board) was held in Beijing. More than 20 domestic and foreign consultants and members (hereinafter referred to as editorial board) come to this meeting. The first phase of the conference was presided over by Zhang Ping, associate editor of “Economic Research”. The meeting was first reported by Jin Chengwu, editor of “Economic Research” to the editorial department in the recent three major aspects. The first is to persist in using Marxism as a guide to promote the contemporary study of Marxist political economy in China. After inspecting the Central Inspectorate, on the basis of previous work, the editorial department further invited the well-known academic
一座意外跌倒的大楼,牵扯出了上海楼市背后若干处涉嫌违规的运作,也让人们止不住追问,高速成长的上海楼市,根基还稳吗?    上海闵行区莲花南路上的淀浦河桥,近来俨然成了热闹的观景台,自2009年6月27日开始,西侧桥栏边总是站满了翘首远望、议论风生的市民,在他们手指所向的400多米处,淀浦河南岸倒下了一座13层的商品住宅楼,楼体侧翼略带弧度,像在那里躺着一位腹部微微隆起的醉汉。  围观群众长久地站在