
来源 :辽宁果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voyager4032
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在苹果矮化砧营养繁殖中广泛应用垂直压条法,这个方法并不复杂,但是在哈萨克斯坦南部夏季干热的条件下,我们在采用这个方法时却遇到了一些矛盾。这就是由于在干土中压条不生根,为了使其很好生根,就必须经常灌水,而高的土壤湿度又促进了压条苗地上部的旺盛生长,造成生长过度。另外,为了促进压条苗新梢生长,以便八月份在其上进行芽接,在第一苗圃地定植之前,必需在压条苗基部留2~3芽短剪,这也导致了压条苗的强旺生长。 The vertical bead method is widely used in vegetative propagation of dwarfing apple trees. This method is not complicated. However, we encountered some contradictions when using this method under the conditions of dry and hot summer in the south of Kazakhstan. This is because in the dry soil does not take root, in order to make it a good root, we must always irrigation, and high soil moisture and in turn promote the strong growth of the shoots above ground, resulting in overgrowth. In addition, in order to promote the shoot growth of shoots so as to be budded on them in August, it is necessary to have 2 to 3 shoots short at the base of the shoots before colonization in the first nursery, which also leads to the strong growth of shoots .
光皮树即梾木(Cornus macrophy 11 a wall)为落叶乔木,自黄河流域至西南各省均有分布.其树高5-10水,最高可达15米,胸弪一般35厘米.四月开花,十一月 The shrub (Cornus macr
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冬季,是儿童感冒的高发季节,感冒作为一种常见病,不少家长都以为感冒是小事,随便吃点感冒药草草了事。却不知还有许多病症类似于感冒的疾病,提醒家长千万不要大意。 In wint
人们在吃山楂和加工制作山楂罐头等果品时都渴望能有一种象无籽西瓜、无核葡萄那样也没有种子或核软可食的山楂。这里向您介绍的就是一种连种子可以一起 People crave hawt
青花菜(Brassica oleracea Var. itali-ca)又名茎椰菜和木立花椰莱。原产欧洲南部,是野生甘蓝的一个变种,古罗马人开始食用这种长小花球的甘蓝类蔬菜时不分花椰莱和青花菜,
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Metformin, a first-line drug for type-2 diabetes, has been shown to improve locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury. However, there are studies reporting no
立冬之后,天气转寒,气候干燥,给老年人的生理、心理带来诸多不良影响,稍不注意,便易引起旧病复发或诱发新病。因此,老年人要适应冬令气候特点,顺应自然,重视保健。 After th