为了满足舰船装载石油精制品类、石油化学品类、化学合成制品类、天然油脂类及其他食用品类等特殊装载物品的要求,对舰船的货仓要运用特殊的涂装工艺方法进行涂装。本文论述了舰船成品油/化学品舱进行特涂前舱室结构设计、舾装件安装、钢材表面处理、钢材结构缺陷处理、涂料特性要求以及与特涂相关联工装工作应达到的条件要求,以达到特涂工作的前提条件,确保特涂后的舰船舱室满足使用要求。“,”In order to meet the requirement of ship loading oil refining category,oil chemical category,chemical synthesis products,nature grease,other edible category and other special loading items,the ships cabin need to use a special coating process methods for painting.This paper discusses the structure design,outfitting a booth installation,steel surface treatment,steel structure defects treatment,paint property requirements should achieved before the oil ship/chemical tanks was painted by special coating process so achieve the precondition and make sure the ship by special coating process can meets the requirement of application.